Tony and Verdi Asmeade Scholarship (May through September)
Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
1. Applicant must be of Caribbean descent/heritage.
2. Applications are NOT open to undergraduate seniors, graduate, or post-graduate students.
3. Applicants must be enrolled and matriculated full-time at an accredited college or university and in good standing, as verified by the college or university registrar.
4. Applicants must be involved in community, volunteer, and/or other extracurricular activities(i.e., clubs, societies, and other organizations).
5. Applicant must include a written statement of financial assistance.
“Financial Assistance ” is defined as “expenses for educational purposes that are not or cannot be met by the institution, our family, or you that may include, but are not limited to, books, equipment, or other items/circumstances which the student and/or the institution deem necessary for good financial standing or to complete a school project.
6. Include a letter of recommendation from an academic advisor or faculty member
7. Submit the completed and signed Application Form in its entirety.
8. Email a scanned version and attach all additional documents to CCA’s Education Chairperson, Angelique Robateau
9. The application must be submitted by the deadline date stated above.

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